We have been doing eCommerce since 2009 …
The Farm Molinari welcomes you to its online store “WebShop Il Castagneto”, the first website created for the promotion of the territory of Montella through the direct marketing of fresh chestnuts, and products derived from their transformation by local industries to which local producers confer.
From this year the WebShop Il Castagneto expands its offer to support other local Irpinia excellences such as wine and honey.
Our registered office
Via dei Ferrari 1/T, 83048 Montella (AV), Italia
Mobile phone: +39 327 3155137
Email: servizio.clienti@il-castagneto.it
Opening time
online H24 (7×7)
The Farm
The company area is about 3 hectares. The company’s chestnut grove is located in the heart of the Monti Picentini Regional Park, at an altitude of about 1000 meters (the photo at the top of this page shows a view of the Piana del Dragone below), accessible only through a dirt road. The quality and quantity of the products is strongly dependent on the seasonal climatic trend. The original tree plant dates back to 1700, when the forefathers of the Molinari family actually colonized the entire mountain that takes the name “Cima Molinari” from them, immediately behind Mount Terminio (1786 m). The mountain was grafted with local “palummina” slips, a variety that gave life to the first fruit and vegetable product ever to be recognized in Italy DOC, la “CASTAGNA DI MONTELLA”, and whose production is regulated by a specific disciplinary issued on December 5, 1987. Subsequently on July 14, 1992 the EU attributed to “Castagna di Montellail recognized IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta).

Your satisfaction is our satisfaction!
Farm Molinari
We counteract the hydrogeological instability by taking due care of the fund.
We have been manufacturing for several generations and have been doing eCommerce for over 10 years
Customers satisfied
Over the years we have learned to manage each order as a promise.
On 9/9/2009 we managed the first online chestnut transaction in Italy.
The founder